Comets once crashed into Earth 13,000 years ago

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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Archaeologists have found ancient carvings showing evidence of a comet stabbing the Earth.
Comets once crashed into Earth 13,000 years ago
Ancient stone slab with carved figures.

The researchers translated the famous ancient symbols in a temple in Turkey and they discovered the story of a devastating impact after a comet hit the Earth.

Cross-checking the event with simulations on the Solar System computer around that time, the researchers as‌sumed that the carvings could describe the effect of comets occurring around 10,950 BC - around the time a mini ice age began to change civilization forever.

This mini ice age, known as the Younger Dryas, existed for about 1,000 years and it was considered an important period for humanity because it was a period of early Stone Age civilization and agriculture. Develops a more responsive climate. This period is also related to the extinction of mammoths.

But although Younger Dryas has been thoroughly studied, it is unclear exactly what triggered this period. A comet attack is one of the leading hypotheses, but scientists cannot find comet’s physical evidence from that point on.

The research team from the University of Edinburgh in the UK said these carvings, found in what is believed to be the world’s oldest temple, Gobekli Tepe in southern Turkey, show more evidence that one Comets have activated the Younger Dryas era.

"I think this study, along with the recent discovery of platinum anomalies common across the North American continent, almost shows clues. Our work serves to reinforce evidence. That reason, ”said researcher Martin Sweatman.

The translation of the symbols also shows that Gobekli Tepe is not only a temple, as it has been as‌sumed for a long time, it could also be an ancient observatory.

"It seems Gobekli Tepe, among other things, is an observatory to monitor the night sky," Sweatman said.

Gobekli Tepe is believed to have been built around 9,000 BC, about 6,000 years ago Stonehenge - but the symbols on the pillar date back to about 2,000 years earlier.

Symbols have long puzzled scientists, but Sweatman and his team discovered that they actually corresponded to astronomical constellations, and showed a series of comet pieces hitting Earth.

The image of a headless man on the rock is also thought to symbolize human disaster and lose his life after the impact.

The dating of these carvings also matches the ice core taken from Greenland, where the Younger Dryas period began around 10,890 BC.

According to Sweatman, this is not the first time archeology provides insight into the past of civilization.

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