Russia: Semi-vodka is rampant, and cognac in the market is flooded with fake goods

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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The federal alcohol market regulation service (Rosalkogolregulirovanie) confirmed 5.2 million of the more than 11 million liters of alcohol tested illegally in Russia in 2018,
Russia: Semi-vodka is rampant, and cognac in the market is flooded with fake goods

Sales of alcoholic beverages in Russia increased 4.6% in 2018, according to Nielsen estimates. While official statistics show that vodka sales fell 1.5% to 786 million liters. Illegal online alcohol sales have increased by 23% in Russia, topping $ 30 million in 2018, according to Moscow-based cyber security company.

The federal alcohol market regulation service (Rosalkogolregulirovanie) confirmed 5.2 million of the more than 11 million liters of alcohol tested illegally in Russia by 2018. That is, accounting for 47.5% of all wines. be checked,

Nearly 31% of vodka, or 363,000 of 1.18 million liters, was discovered illegally sold in 2018.

Standard watchdog Roskachestvo has called vodka one of Russia’s highest quality products, although it warns that 250 million liters of low-quality vodka are sold in the country every year.

Earlier, Standard Watchdog Roskachestvo confirmed that 1/3 of cognac sold in Russia is fake,

A total of 32 of 47 cognac brands are produced by domestic and foreign companies made from grapes while the rest is made from cheaper distilled spirits.

Unfortunately, the law does not allow us to call these items directly as counterfeit goods, according to the watchdog said in a statement.

Tests showed that five of the brands tested used artificial flavors banned while 15 brands using alcohol were not grapes.

Only one Russian brand, merged Bakhchisaray based in Crimea, is included among the brands that Roskachestvo rated the most, along with four French brands: Hennessy, Courvoisier, Martell and Remy Martin.

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