Miss Mai Phuong Represented a beautiful, beautiful lingerie with a yellow vest

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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As an investor for the film project “Sisters“, Miss Mai Phuong Thuy appeared beautiful and stylish with a gold vest.
Miss Mai Phuong Represented a beautiful, beautiful lingerie with a yellow vest
Mai Phuong Thuy

Mai Phuong Thuy is close to Kathy Uyen.

This year’s Christmas debut will be the movie project "Sisters" - expected to be a box office explosion. The film is a mind-blowing competition that is extremely attractive, bold "drama" among beautiful people who seem to be close like sisters, but who use the most intriguing and cunning tricks to fight against each other. The unexpected combination between the two top beauties is Thanh Hang and Chi Pu.

After taking the role of acting guide for the main actors of many films of "blockbuster" movies in Vietnam: Kaity Nguyen, di‌em My 9x, Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc / model Le Xuan Tien, Thuy Anh, Thoai Tien, Phuong Lan, Tran Quoc Anh, Hoang Oanh ... Kathy Uyen was officially a director and directed the acting for all the actresses of "Sisters".

In particular, during the opening ceremony of the first scenes, Miss Mai Phuong Thuy appeared pretty with a pink suit. Reportedly, Mai Phuong Thuy plays an investor role for "Sisters".

Miss a no-nanny, beautiful with a yellow vest.

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