Clip: Mysterious flying object suddenly split into 6 sections near Korean aircraft

Sky Nguyen nguồn bình luận 999
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An airplane passenger from South Korea to Thailand recorded a video showing an unidentified flying object in the sky suddenly split into six parts and disappeared mysteriously.
Clip: Mysterious flying object suddenly split into 6 sections near Korean aircraft
Objects cannot be identified for Korean passengers to capture (Photo: Pen News)

The mysterious flying object suddenly split into 6 sections near the Korean plane

According to Dailymail, the person who filmed and shared the video was Lucas Kim, a Korean. He witnessed this strange object while traveling from Seoul to Thailand with JeJu Air’s aircraft.

Kim said that while sitting on the plane he saw an object at a very close distance he suspected of flying. “It’s strange to see a plane close to the plane you’re sitting on, so I took the phone and turned it. However, when I looked closely, I realized it was not an airplane. It is 6 different objects, ”Kim said.

The video shows a big light, but when the passenger magnifies the screen, the spot splits into three pairs of smaller spots and slowly disappears.

Many suggested that this could be the reflection of the sun on the wings of the aircraft and windows, or reflections from the flight attendant’s coffee pots. However, Kim seems to be certain that he sees something unusual.

Kim thinks he saw an unidentified flying object (UFO) and this is the first time he witnessed such a phenomenon.

"You can believe anything you want, but I think I’ve met UFOs. UFO doesn’t mean 100% are aliens. It could simply be a flying object that we don’t know what it is, ”Kim said.

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